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The Online Copy Request, Certified Copy Request, and Request Records Search programs will no longer be available as of Thursday, January 16th, at 5:00 PM.

We’re excited to announce that new and improved services are coming soon. Stay tuned for updates!

Case Status Conferences

Case Status Conference (CSC)

The information below is intended to provide general information on what to expect and how to prepare for a Case Status Conference (CSC).

This information is not legal advice.

What is a CSC?

When issues remain in a family law case, the court schedules a CSC to determine how the case is progressing. Parties are required to participate in a CSC so the case can be resolved in a timely manner. Per California Rules of Court 5.83 the court must manage cases from start to finish in a timely manner. CCP 583.310-360 requires that the court dismiss cases that have not been brought to trial within 5 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the CSC hearing you will hear from the Judge and a short presentation from Self-Help explaining general steps that need to be taken in order to complete your case or, if the parties are not in agreement, what steps need to be taken to schedule a hearing.

The CSC is not the opportunity to ask the court to make temporary orders. Another hearing may need to be scheduled, as described below.

At the hearing, the parties that do not wish to pursue their family law case may request to have their case dismissed.

The hearing will be taken off calendar and your file will be noted that you did not attend. CCP 583.310 rules regarding mandatory dismissal of cases that have not been brought trial within 5 years will still apply.

Review the Common Scenarios and Next Steps below in identifying the steps you need to take in resolving your case.

It is very important that you report on time to the proceeding, listen for your name to be called and be prepared.

If you do not answer during role call, your case will be taken off calendar or scheduled to another date.

Common Scenarios and Next Steps

If the Respondent has not filed a response and 30 days have passed since they were served, you can proceed by default. Below are the Default judgment packets:

If you wish to dismiss your case you will need to fill out the Request for Dismissal (CIV-110).

In order for the Judge to make orders, you would need to fill out a Request for Order (FL-300). This video explains how to complete the steps for requesting orders.

How Do I Schedule a Family Law Hearing?

If you cannot locate the other party to have them served, there are other options for service. Please contact Self-Help Legal Services to go over those options.

If the parties have an agreement regarding their case, you can submit a Judgment or Stipulation in order to formalize the agreement and have it signed by a Judge.

When both parties agree to all the issues in the case, the parties can avoid the CSC hearing requirement by preparing an Uncontested Judgment for court approval. Providing a judgment, disclosures, stipulations and court forms to the court before or during a CSC hearing lets the court know that you would like to finalize your case.

Depending on your case, will depend on what judgment packet you would complete:

For Divorce cases:

For Paternity cases:

Helpful Resources

You can also find helpful information at the following websites: